A blog raising awareness about a woman who lost custody of her child because of her performance art.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

FAQ on Rachel's View of the Church of the SubGenius

Q: Is the Church of the SubGenius a real religion?

A: Google it. The question has been debated by performance art critics and theology students for 25 years. Feel free to make up your own mind on the matter, it's a free country.

Q: Is the Church of the SubGenius Rachel Bevilacqua's religion?

A: No. Rachel Bevilacqua views the Church of the SubGenius as an art movement dedicated to cherishing the uniqueness of each individual and promoting free expression by all people everywhere, as long as it harms no one.

Q: Well, what does the government say?

A: The government agrees that The SubGenius Foundation, Inc., the corporation which does business under the performance name of "The Church of the SubGenius", is a "fan club" roughly classified in the same category as the Star Trek fan club that does business as "Star Fleet", and with roughly the same level of geeky obscurity.

The SubGenius Foundation is a corporation that produces radio shows, an online magazine, books, etc, and arranges venues for free expression of performance art, hopefully of the highly comedic variety and loosely based around characters in a series of science fiction/humor books published by reputable publishing houses and sold in bookstores across the nation.

FAQ on Rachel's Religion

Q: What exactly is Rachel Bevilaqua's religion?

A: Rachel believes that organized religion is not right for her. She believes that each individual has the ability to directly commune with the divine in their own way, and that organized religions often become mere social clubs where no actual spiritual instruction goes on. Therefore she chooses to pursue spirituality privately through meditation and prayer.

Q: Rachel testified that she was a member of Grace Church of the Redeemer, a chartered Anglican congregation in Columbus, GA. Was that true?

A: Rachel, Steve, and Kohl became members of that congregation (Pastor Richard Davis, Bishop Manning, SEC) after seeing a true dedication in the congregation's pastor to the creation of a group that would do needed charity and civil rights work in the community, as well as spread the Anglican message of tolerance and openness to all seekers, which Rachel and Steve find admirable in an organized religion, especially in a small city in the south.

Grace Church of the Redeemer disbanded as a chartered congregation after the death of its pastor, Richard Davis, whose death certificate shows that he died of a heart attack despite his relatively young age.

Father Richard was self-conscious about his weight and often tried to lose weight by doing vigorous exercise while taking "stackers" energy supplements, and many of his friends feel these over-the-counter supplements may have contributed to Father Richard's death. The sad story is detailed on a public Columbus, GA Google Group.

Father Richard's Angican congregation is the only organized congregation Rachel Bevilacqua has ever been a member of, and it ceased to exist in Fall 2005.